Backyard Sessions – Ceremony, Song, Poetry & Nature Connection

Hi friends! As part of our upcoming Backyard Sessions course we are offering some free and almost free classes over the next few weeks to give you a taste of what we are doing. Below are direct links to the Eventbrite registration links. If you keep reading, you can find out a lot more about what our course is! I look forward to seeing you in the virtual space!

Upcoming Mini Classes

Greetings friends,

Mark and I are thrilled to be offering this new course that weaves together our life time of work, study, passion and joy. 

During this Covid time, many of us are struggling to find balance and perspective in this new world we live in.  This change might show up as a lack of intimacy, lack of connection with family and friends, or feelings of loss and unknown. Especially in these times, it is so important to find a way to step and look/observe how we are seeing and thinking about the world. It is a way for us to find a map of how to navigate these unknown waters of life. We will use the tools ancients have always used in times of trouble to examine how we listen, to understand how we might know if we are listening, and what we are listening to.

Invitation to join us for 6 weeks on Sundays, 7 – 8:30pm, Starting May 16th – Last course June 20th.

We will offer you exercises, poems, songs and practices for creating your own sacred altars and support you in developing your own daily/weekly ceremonies that can deepen your listening, find nourishment from life, and help sustain and support your journey. There are inherent laws embedded in nature. Ones that we follow even if we are unaware that we are. Each of the laws of nature has ceremonies and rituals attached to it. When we listen we can begin the process of learning how to hear those ceremonies that are inherent in the land that surrounds us.

This course is an intimate gathering of 6 classes where we will gently explore ways of practicing and offering your simple gifts. Yes! Everyone has gifts to share and we would like to help you and encourage you to create and offer yours. You may end up learning about the simple joys of creating nature altars and leaving them for others to find in the forests, or you may enjoy writing poetry or creating little songs. We would like to nourish and support these gifts that are perhaps lying uncovered within you and help them to be shared and birthed into your own life, with family and friends and if you wish with our online group during our sharing times. This course may be an ideal way for you to celebrate Spring and enter into Summer regardless of what Covid restrictions are upon us. 

If you answer yes to any and all of these questions, this course could be for you:

  • Have you been longing and missing others with whom you can connect, create and share your thoughts, art and heart with?
  • Are you wishing to deepen your listening to what Earth says to you?
  • Are you longing for more creative connection with song and prose in nature?
  • Are you longing to create an altar in your backyard and in your home?
  • Are you longing to have a deeper connection to spirit?
  • Would you like to learn some new songs and poems and be supported to create your own ?
  • Would you like to meet with others in a safe guided online community format?
  • Do you miss being playful with others in a creative container?
  • Are you wanting to invite a little more joy and playful exploration in nature back into your life?

“I love how Cari Burdett weaves us together into beauty and purpose through song. Such a beautiful experience to share.” 
Robyn Karima

If so, I imagine that you want to…

  • Write poetry and/or read poetry
  • Sing and learn new songs
  • Spend time in nature
  • Discover new magical gifts that surround you
  • Spend quiet time alone in nature
  • Create expressive art in nature with poetry, song and natural findings
  • Create an altar in your backyard and in other places outside
  • Connect and learn more about ceremony and how you can welcome simple rituals into your life
  • Write simple songs that you “catch” from spending time in nature
  • Deepen your connection between ceremony/altars and music/poetry and nature

We might love each other a lot if . . .

  • you collect stones, sticks, moss, bird feathers,
  • you collect poetry books and enjoy reading them and finding the perfect one for the occasion
  • you have a journal that you enjoy sketching, writing, musing in
  • you would rather choose to be in nature then on your computer
  • you welcome interconnectedness and value the sacredness of the Great Mother Earth
  • you wish that play, song, poetry, nature connection was part of our every day lives and part of every child’s life.
  • you are committed to a greener planet, where you seek understanding and compassion for differences, yet long for a world were we can all respect and live in harmony with the earth, animals, plants and each other.
  • you enjoy sharing and listening to each others stories
  • you are mindful and respectful with your speech
  • you enjoy listening, speaking and sharing from the heart
  • you want to be seen and heard in your vulnerability
  • you enjoy being courageous and trying new things
  • you are playful and curious
  • you enjoy building community and being part of a community

Cari this was excellent!
You two are a good team, I felt the content was very good.
Thank you Mark I especially loved “Owl Eyes”, I found the exercise very helpful.  I never realized how I limited myself by not seeing with Owl eyes.
To learn to look at people as a whole … and not to see some as kind and safe, others as helpful ….or to be avoided ..but each time to look without judgement….. how very helpful and inclusive . I give others then a chance to be different. I didn’t realize that I sometimes put people into categories.
This way I can look each time with a fresh eye. My attitude will change the outcome. I also like the idea of  preparing, having a chance to practice during the week. Love both songs offerings.
Now the work starts . Seeing everyone as a whole ….
Maybe this is how God looks at us . With  love   ….
Maybe that’s what it means to “love“ .
That IS what it means for me .”

Cost for 6 week Backyard Session: Ceremony, Song, Poetry & Nature Connection Course.

Sliding scale: $180 – $360 Cdn for those with more limited resources. Please choose an amount that is both generous and sustainable. Bottom of the scale still too much? Contact us. Those with financial security, please pay at the top of the scale so we have the means to invite those with few resources and also keep the group size intimate.

More about who we are and what we do and some tools we use in our work:

  • Poems
  • Songs
  • Journaling prompts
  • Weekly nature connection exercises
  • Altar inspirations to support your own altar creations
  • Dialogue and ideas about what is ceremony
  • Simple, meaningful, supportive rituals and ceremonies in your daily busy lives
  • Seeing people and the world as whole beings, not as a sum of the parts
  • Potential – each person and situation has embedded unrealized potential that can be discovered and developed
  • Every living entity and system has a core beingness. Understanding and working with this essence can bring alive our whole being and potential
  • Our core beingness becomes manifest when we intentionally develop a process for transformation
  • We learn how to make a real difference when we can see how we are connected to all things
  • Understanding that making a difference works best when we can see points that take small amounts of effort to change, but lift the whole system
  • We can change a system when we work on the energetic field that is organizing it

How can we begin to grow our awareness and understanding of our relationship with ourselves, others and nature? We see and interact with the world through types of frameworks, or models of thinking.  Without becoming aware of how we currently see the world we are unable to shift our consciousness and we walk through the world mostly unaware of the workings of our mind and how it generates our version of reality. Embedded in this course are principles that are methods and ways of seeing the world and more importantly, a way of thinking from which different natures of activity can arise. 

Themes for the 6 week course:

  • Week 1 – Welcome & Creating sacred spaces (altars)
  • Week 2 – Thanksgiving
  • Week 3 – Threshold
  • Week 4 – Song catching – use vocal improvisation
  • Week 5 – Poetry Catching – Use free flow
  • Week 6 – Giving back – Promise beyond ability (how can this course grow you)

General Class outline:

  • Greeting and welcoming
  • Singing together
  • Poem of the day
  • Introduce our theme
  • Exercise introduction
  • Self time
  • Return and share in breakout rooms
  • Come back to group and popcorn sharing experiences of the day
  • Assignment for the week
  • Song
  • Closing

Weekly support material includes :

  • Poem of the week 
  • Song of the week
  • Journal questions based on theme and exercises
  • Tips for Personal Altars
  • Tips for Personal Ceremonies
  • Homework of explorations in Nature

First, a big AHO to you for getting “it” out there … congrats …
You are both so very talented and have so much to offer that I feel it would appeal to many. 
Loved how you started with values and intents and with at least brief introductions around the circle.  
Thanks again for sharing your passions and love!
With Love, Judith 

Mark Tollefson

has been teaching nature-based connection and facilitating transformation for 30 years. Born in the wilds of northern Canada and from a young age mentored by people intimately connected to their lineage and nature-based roots he brings rich life experience and wisdom to his work.

Mark has been a survival skills instructor at Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracker School, the executive director of Wilderness Youth Project and the Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens in Santa Barbara. He has owned a pub and restaurant, worked as a roughneck in the oil fields, helped open an international high school in New Zealand, and founded his own non-profit working to promote sustainable farming with the Maya of southern Belize.

He has participated in and started many men’s groups and has sat in circle with men for many years.

He has guided hundreds of people through rites of passage into holistic living and thinking, helping those he works with to step into a new paradigm of being that is based on Thriving Life, connected to our true purpose for being alive at this time.

Mark works one-on-one and in groups with people who wish to live from their essence and uncover the blocks that keep them from living a Thriving Life. His unique process of using myth and story-telling helps create a map unique to each person that will uncover true vision and purpose.

Mark has many passions including playing music, poetry, carpentry, and cooking delicious food. He is the father of two amazing children and lives in Santa Barbara, California.

founder and artistic director of Lila Music Centre started singing at a young age with musical theatre and went on to study Opera and gain her Bachelors from McGill University and her master’s of Voice and pedagogy from the prestigious Royal Academy of London, UK. During those years Cari gained a thorough understanding of the voice, performance practices, languages, diction, stage craft and a deep connection to modern music. As a performing artist, Cari has soloed  across BC, Montreal and the UK with many orchestras, operas and classical song recitalsDuring the past 5 years Cari has focussed on performing around BC with some stellar musicians with her album Magnolia. Presently, Cari is working on completing her 2nd studio album of all original songs, to be released 2021. 

Vocal Improvisation is also a feature highlight of Cari’s wealth of teaching. Having studied with Rhiannon ( Bobby McFerrin Voicestra), over the last 20 years, Cari is a graduate from her first ever All the Way In year long vocal improvisation intensive singing course. Par Alhbom with whom, Cari studied in Sweden with intensively with him for 4 years and has brought him to Canada to teach and attended workshops in the USA with him over the past years. Cari wrote her Master’s dissertation on the Importance of Music and Movement Improvisation for the healthy development of children and adults based on Par Alhbom body of work called Intuitive Pedagogy. Cari enjoys leading these Intuitive Pedagogy games, that she learnt from Par and weaves into her workshops, classes and day to day living.  As a music teacher, Cari Burdett weaves her musical experience, teachings and performance practices together with her love and commitment to building community through music.

Currently, Cari is deepening her connection to nature as a student of both the Wisdom of the Earth adult immersion year long program, as well as Seraphina Capranos‘s Herbalist school through the Pacific Rim College Herbalist program. Cari is also a current and devoted student of Myrna Martin, and is presently undertaking  Myrna’s, Healing Early Developmental Trauma 3 year course. As well, Cari has been a facilitator and student of the Way of Council for over 15 years and has certificates from the Ojai foundation for Level 1,2,3 and sits on a regular monthly call for Council Facilitators.

This is not for you if…..

  • If you don’t want to commit to the whole course.
  • Not for those seeking therapy from the facilitators or other participants. 
  • This is not a grief ceremony.
  • This is not a complaining session.
  • This is not for those who want to whine. Haa. 
  • This is not a workshop where you will receive all the answers to all your problems. 
  • This is an introductory course where feelings, thoughts and questions will arise and you may not be able to answer all your questions .. during the course. –  We can’t answer all your questions or fix your problems. 
  • If you have doubts please don’t sign up – let that space be for someone else who is committed to workshop and wants to show up and create. 
  • This is not for you if you think others will do it for you.

I am loving your animation and relaxedness with the online thing.NOW is NOW and we just sang together YAY!I felt good with the flow of the presentation….loved opening with exercise literally opening before the song…I love that Mark paints a picture of the story teller in his white sox and dark shoes before the story KEEP going! Blessings OCEANNA

Practices and Values we will uphold during our Zoom Community Calls:

  • Land acknowledgements will be shared out loud and you may include them in your name area
  • Rename your Zoom Name to include your preferred pronouns
  • Be present as fully as possible
  • Be respectful of time and arrive early with time to settle before the class begins
  • Be mindful of leave taking, by waiting for a space between sharings, and quietly leave and return
  • Practice being stationary and have an upright posture during the class, as if we were all sitting in a room together
  • Honour confidentiality 
  • Practice curiosity with your noticing
  • Inquire instead of assuming 
  • Use I not WE statements 
  • Support the safety of group
  • Practice speaking and listening from the heart 
  • When we share, we always have the option to pass, all sharing is by invitation not demand 
  • When we are complete with our sharing, we will invite the next person to share by saying their name
  • Honour brevity  – Get to the heart of the matter  – so everyone who wants can share.
  • Attend to your own inner teacher – Pay close attention to your own reactions and responses

I took part in a beautiful course on the topic of Gratitude led by my mother Cari Burdett and Mark Tollefson. My experience was awakening and transforming. We each began by presenting something we were grateful for, practicing listening form the heart without judgement but instead acceptance. We began to warm up our body’s and voice with movement and sound engaging our senses and relaxing and warming up our bodies. This was a relaxing and exciting experience. Because we were all singing and doing movement together, I got the sense of being part of a whole which was a wonderful experience considering we are so isolated in this time of Covid.
As we began to explore the subject of nature and how we are connected to it, how we are a part of the whole, Mark led an exercise on engaging our focus on one object in nature. A tree, a plant or an animal. He requested that instead of looking for details we might try just taking in the whole. This was a a special experience for me and brought forth a sense of oneness and connection to nature and the world at large. I had a sense of overwhelming gratitude for all that is and all that I am part of. This course was a beautiful journey and I would love to partake in more in the near future.
Dahlea Pintus

Ready to Register for our 6 week on line Course ?

The course cost is with payment of a Sliding scale: $180 – $360 Cdn for those with more limited resources. Please choose an amount that is both generous and sustainable. Bottom of the scale still too much? Contact us. Those with financial security, please pay at the top of the scale so we have the means to invite those with few resources and also keep the group size intimate.

Still not sure…We have created these online Launch Events and hope to see you there….

Mark has loved and studied poetry and nature most of his life. Join him on Thursday, April 22nd, 7pm – 7:45pm on Zoom online. Together in this mini Poetry and Nature Connection Sample course we will use poetry to help us look deeper into nature and see how nature reflects those metaphors back to us.

Come and meet Mark Tollefson & Cari Burdett, Tuesday, April 27th 2021 – 7pm – 7:45pm and join them in a playful mood where they were offer participants a guided Sense Meditation and Vocal Play Connection

You are also invited to join Cari Burdett on Thursday, May 6th, 7pm – 8:30pm to celebrate Mother’s Day with a singing Pay-What-You-Can Song Workshop.

If you still unsure about signing up for the house and want to learn more about Mark & Cari , you may wish to attend their free mini Sample of our Backyard Session Course with short Q & A , Thursday May 13th 7pm – 8pm. 

That’s all. If you have any questions, please email us at


P.S. We invite you to kindly share this info and email with your friends, community and those who you think might like to attend a Free Mini Workshop and/or our Backyard Session Course. We are grateful for your ongoing support. There is a “forward to friend” button below that allows you to easily forward this to your contacts of choice. Blessings. 

P.P.S. Mark Tollefson offers one on one Coaching and deep dives into the world of Nature Connection and supporting others to uncover their deepest purpose and essence of their life.  You can email to set up a free 15min Meet and Greet Session and to see if you would like to pursue one on one Coaching/Mentoring with him. 

P.P.P.S. Mark Tollefson and his friend Tim Corcoran are launching their new 10 Day Vision Quests  in the USA and Canada – more info here –

P.P.P.P.S. Cari Burdett offers One on One Voice and Sound release Vocal Coaching.  – Email her for a 15min free Meet and Greet session. 

P.P.P.P.P.S.This summer Cari will be leading Song Sessions Outside. We will of course be following the Covid Restrictions. Stay in touch with the newsletters, website and Cari’s Face Book Page to find out more info:

  •  Sing with Nature, Songs to uplift and move the body and voice.
  •  Vocal Improv In Nature – Can’t wait….. I have really missed this. 
  •  Song Catching in Nature – sharing songs creations & inviting the muse 

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Potential Summer in Person Offerings – from Cari and Mark –
(Respecting Small Group/Covid Rules etc. )
A week long Kids Music and Nature Camp – Are you interested? 
A week long Adult Immersion w/ Cari Burdett and Mark Tollefson – An in person Backyard Session: Ceremony, Song, Poetry and Nature Connection. Potentially held at a gorgeous West Coast Group Camp Site…sounds heavenly…

Does this interest you? Let Cari and Mark know if you are interested and what else you might want offered?

Lovely Nature Photos by Devon Gillott Sessions